Proofpoint Product Processing

This table includes certain details of the Processing of Customer’s Personal Data as required by Article 28(3) GDPR (or as applicable, equivalent provisions of any other Data Protection Law).


Data Subjects

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Processing Operations

Retention Period

Adaptive Email Security

Employees, contractors

Email sender and recipient names, subject line, header data, email addresses, IP addresses, all personal information contained in body of email and attachments.

Cloud-based email protection solution that employs a fully integrated layer of behavioral AI to help detect and prevent inbound business email compromise and lateral phishing while providing end-users with in-moment warning banners to help them decide whether an email is safe.

Categories of data retained for term of contract plus 35 days, except for Threat Analytics, which are retained for up to 18 months after collection.

As applicable, full body email content is retained for 6 months from processing.

Browser, E-mail Isolation and TAP URL Isolation

Employees, contractors

Email addresses, user site cookies, and browser history, and browser registration information (data center location, browser user-agent string).

Isolation is a remote, web-based browser that protects against URL threats by stripping all active content from requested sites and rendering a safe version of the page back to the end user. Isolation policies determine what users and URLs are isolated and what content and user actions are allowed in Isolation.

Up to 365 days after collection.


Employees, contractors

Cloud account holder metadata (e-mail addresses, names, position), file metadata and cloud account access logs, cloud application usage data.

Cloud Account Defense helps Customer detect suspicious activities around Customer’s cloud accounts and identify compromised cloud accounts.

Cloud App Security Broker uses policies to prevent the loss of Customer’s sensitive or confidential data contained in Customer’s cloud accounts. CASB IaaS Protection helps customer identify its IaaS resources, protect sensitive data within IaaS storage, and monitor and stop unauthorized logins to Customer’s Cloud accounts.

Targeted Account Protection Account Takeover (TAP ATO) helps Customer detect and remediate cloud account takeover attacks and identity suspicious activities around Customer’s cloud accounts.

As in accordance with Controller’s selected retention period and up to a maximum period of 366 days.

Threat Analytics, data is retained for up to 18 months after collection.

File metadata for sensitive files is retained for 36 months after collection.

Cloud Threat Response (SaaS Version of TRAP)

Employees, contractors, customers any other individual sending or receiving emails via Customer’s corporate email system

Email attachment file name, URLs in email, sender / receiver names, subject line, header data, email addresses, IP addresses

Cloud Threat Response is a SaaS incident management platform that includes automation to analyze and remove unwanted emails post-delivery.

Full message MIME data from user-reported emails only purged every 90 days from processing.

The retention of Threat Response Data is contingent on the Customer’s use of PhishAlarm / PhishAlarm Analyzer.

Cloudmark Active Filter, Authority, Content Categories, Insight Server, and Sender Intelligence; Cloudmark Spam Reporting Service

Employees, contractors, customers

Telemetry data associated with E-mail, SMS, MMS, and RCS, including email addresses, IP addresses, phone numbers

Cloudmark products leverage intelligent threat analysis to provide email and mobile messaging security against spam and malware.

30 days for messages reported by recipient as potentially harmful.

30 days for messages reported by recipient as not harmful.

Cloudmark Safe Messaging Cloud, Cloudmark Safe Messaging Cloud Hybrid

Employees, contractors, customers

Telemetry data associated with E-mail, SMS, MMS, and RCS, including email addresses, IP addresses, phone numbers

Cloudmark products leverage intelligent threat analysis to provide email and mobile messaging security against spam and malware.

30 days for messages reported by recipient as potentially harmful.

30 days for messages reported by recipient as not harmful.

Otherwise as negotiated by Controller.


Employees, contractors, and any other individuals sending or receiving e-mails via Controller’s corporate e-mail system

Any Personal Data included in an email

Continuity provides temporary storage of Customer inbound and outbound email within the on-demand, Web-based email. Continuity serves only as a secondary, emergency failover option in the event of failure of Customer’s email service, and not as a primary email archive solution or a primary failover solution

Messages expire after 30 days.

Digital Discover, Digital Protection, and Digital Compliance

Employees, contractors, customers, or any other individuals posting to Customer’s social media accounts

Corporate social media user account IDs, social media content, and option biographical information if included in corporate users’ account profile

Scanning of social media platforms to find accounts affiliated with a customer for fake, fraudulent, and defamatory accounts related to the customer. Analysis of static and interactive content. Connectors to the Archive service of social media as required for compliance

Up to 90 days from the end of Controller’s subscription, maximum

Email Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Employees, contractors, and any other individuals sending or receiving e-mails via Customer’s corporate e-mail system

Any Personal Data included in an email

Email DLP utilizes policies to prevent the loss of Customer’s sensitive or confidential data through email.

Up to 366 days after collection except for Threat Analytics, which are retained for up to 18 months after collection.

Email Encryption

Employees, contractors, customers and any other individual sending or receiving e-mails via Customer’s corporate e-mail system

Any Personal Data included in an e-mail

Email Encryption provides a fully integrated message encryption and decryption solution.

Encrypted message content is retained as determined by the Controller (up to 366 days).

Email Fraud Defense (EFD)

Employees, contractors, customers, and any other individual sending or receiving e-mails via Customer’s corporate e-mail system

Email header information, including email addresses, IP addresses, sender and recipient names.

EFD processes Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC) aggregate reports and DMARC forensic message sample traffic for customer domains and evaluates the authenticity of senders based on sender authentication information, and to highlight traffic sent from unauthenticated and unauthorized sources.

Cloudmark forensic data is retained for 30 days after collection.

DMARC forensic data is retained for 90 days after collection.

DMARC non-PII aggregate data is retained indefinitely for analysis and quality control purposes.

Email Exfiltration Protection

Employees, contractors

Email sender and recipient names, subject line, header data, email addresses, email attachment key words, IP addresses, all personal information contained in body of email.

Cloud-based email protection service that prevents exfiltration to unauthorized accounts, and potential loss of proprietary data and intellectual property without predefined rules or deny lists.

Categories of data retained for term of contract plus 35 days.

As applicable, full body email content retained for 6 months from processing.

Email Protection

Employees, contractors, and any other individuals sending or receiving e-mails via Controller’s corporate e-mail system

Any Personal Data included in an e-mail

Email Protection includes functions such as spam detection functions to identify and classify spam messages; virus protection functions to detect and filter messages containing known viruses; zero-hour anti-virus functions to detect and filter messages containing suspicious content; a quarantine folder to analysis and disposition of suspicious content.

Up to 30 days after collection except for Threat Analytics, which are retained for up to 18 months after collection.

Email Protection Supernova Engine

Employees, contractors, and customers

Email sender and recipient names, subject line, header data, email addresses, IP addresses. Also limited message body content if Customer has configured its cluster to send to Proofpoint.

Engine that identifies and detects email patterns of its customers that fall outside of the normal email flow. Used to improve detection of all types of malicious or fraudulent emails or content including credential phishing, business email compromise, and other email attacks.

90 days from date of processing.

Email Threat Defense

Employees and contractors

Email sender and recipient names, subject line, header data, email addresses, email attachment key words, IP addresses, all personal information contained in body of email

Cloud-based email defense service which uses machine learning to detect and prevent inbound email attacks, while providing end-users with in-moment contextual warning banners to help them decide whether an email is safe.

Categories of data retained for term of contract plus 35 days, except for Threat Analytics, which are retained for up to 18 months after collection.

Full body email content retained for 6 months from processing.

Endpoint Data Loss Protection (Endpoint DLP)

Employees, contractors

Email address, device identifier such as IP address, user information such as name and user ID, website information such as URL and page name, information such as application name, executable name, and window title.

Endpoint Data Loss Prevention deploys an endpoint agent onto designated laptop, desktop and server devices owned or controlled by data controller. These Agents capture metadata recorded from the activities of licensed Users and the telemetry data is stored on Proofpoint’s multi-tenant Information and Cloud Security storage.

As in accordance with Controller’s selected retention period up to a maximum period of 366 days.


Employees, contractors, customers

Any Personal Data included in an e-mail

Scanning, filtering, and routing in transit of e-mails sent to and received from parties external to the customer, via the customer’s corporate e-mail system.

If archive functionality is used, then see “Archive” above.

If TAP sandboxing is used, see TAP below.

Up to 30 days after collection except for Threat Analytics, which are retained for up to 18 months after collection.

Insider Threat Management SaaS

Employees, contractors

Email address, device identifier such as IP address, user information such as name and user ID, website information such as URL and page name, Application information such as application name, executable name, and window title. Additionally, ITM has the capability to capture screen content, which is configured and controlled by the customer. Screen capture could include any additional personal data displayed on the user’s screen.

ITM deploys an endpoint agent onto designated laptop, desktop and server devices owned or controlled by data controller. The agents collect telemetry data about the activities of the device users, the data subjects. If enabled by data controller the agents can also capture screenshots of the users’ device activities. Customer solely determines whether to enable the screen capture capabilities, and the data retention period of such content. The telemetry and screen capture data is stored on Proofpoint’s multi-tenant ITM SaaS storage.

As In accordance with Controller’s selected retention period up to a maximum period of 366 days.

Internal Mail Defense (IMD)

Employees, contractors

Any Personal Data included in an e-mail

IMD leverages Email Protection and TAP features to protect Customer’s internal email communications against spam and malicious content.

Up to 30 days after collection except for Threat Analytics, which are retained for up to 18 months after collection.

Misdirected Email Protection

Employees, contractors

Email sender and recipient names, subject line, header data, email addresses, email attachment key words, IP addresses, all personal information contained in body of email.

Cloud-based email protection service that prevents accidental data loss from misdirected emails and misattached files, preventing sensitive information being inadvertently sent to an unintended recipient.

Categories of data retained for term of contract plus 35 days.

As applicable, full body email content is retained for 6 months from processing.

Nexus People Risk Explorer (NPRE)

Employees, contractors

Names, e-mail addresses, any Personal Data contained in Threat Analytics.

Cloud application usage and user data is collected for NPRE customers owning CASB and TAP.

Proofpoint Nexus People Risk Explorer leverages people centric security data from Proofpoint’s Targeted Attack Protection, Security Awareness Training, Cloud Account Defense and Cloud Account Security Broker to provide insights into the types, severity and frequency of threats targeted at Customer and its employees.

Up to 12 months after collection.

Anti-Phishing Suite: includes PhishAlarm and PhishAlarmAnalyzer:

Employees, contractors

Name E-mail address Any Personal Data included in an e-mail

Routing and scanning suspicious emails reported by the end users with the PhishAlarm button. PhishAlarm Analyzer delivers highly responsive identification of phishing attacks in real time. Emails reported via PhishAlarm & PhishAlarm Analyzer are accessed and categorized and they are immediately available to Customer’s response teams.

Up to 30 days from the end of Controller’s subscription maximum; with the exception of Threat Analytics, which are retained for up to 18 months after collection

Proofpoint Archive (previously, Enterprise Archive)

Employees, contractors, and customers

Any Personal Data included in captured content (including e-mails, instant messages, social media content, associated message telemetry and attachments)

Archive is a cloud-based archiving solution designed for legal discovery, regulatory compliance and data access for Customer’s end users, and it provides a central, searchable repository that supports a wide range of content types.

As determined by the Controller

Proofpoint Automate (previously, NexusAI for Compliance)

Employees, contractors, and customers

Any personal data included in captured content (including e-mails, instant messages, social media content, associated message telemetry and attachments)

NexusAI for Compliance uses machine learning to evaluate supported archived messages (such as email, social media, collaboration platforms, and mobile messages) flagged for Customer’s review by Proofpoint’s Supervision (previously Intelligent Supervision) product.

Up to 24 hours from the end of Controller’s subscription, maximum

Proofpoint Capture (previously, Content Capture)

Employees, contractors and customers

Any personal data included in captured content (including e-mails, instant messages, social media content, associated message telemetry and attachments

Content Capture captures content from supported messaging and Cloud storage platforms and delivers it compliance services such as e-discovery, archive and supervision.

Up to 90 days from the end of Controller’s subscription, maximum

Proofpoint Certification Exam

Individual exam takers, customers, employees, contractors, and partners

Name, email address, training and/or exam completion status including pass/fail and scores

Proofpoint Certification Exam allows individuals to take exams covering different Proofpoint products and technologies. Exam takers will receive a Proofpoint subject matter certification for each individual exam they pass.

Indefinite unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties.

Proofpoint Certification Exam Training

Individual exam takers, customers, employees, contractors, and partners

Name, email address, training and/or exam completion status including pass/fail and scores

Proofpoint Certification Exam Training provides access to live instructor-led and online self-paced training courses to prepare exam takers for the Proofpoint Certification Exam.

Learning transcripts are retained for the term of contract with Proofpoint.

Proofpoint Intelligent Classification and Protection

Employees, contractors, customers and any individual viewing the document.

Any Personal Data included in a document.

Automatically locates and identifies sensitive and business-critical data to enhance existing data protection solutions such as labelling, encryption, access Control, data loss prevention, CASB and suggests protection rules and/or policies to the Customer

Up to 90 days from the end of Controller’s subscription, maximum

Proofpoint Patrol (previously, Content Patrol)

Employees, contractors and customers

Any personal data included in captured content (including e-mails, instant messages, social media content, associated message telemetry and attachments

Content Patrol allows Customers to capture, monitor, remediate and generate compliance reports about their end users’ activities on Customer controlled social media accounts.

Up to 90 days from the end of Controller’s subscription, maximum

Proofpoint Security Awareness (also known as PSAT)

Employees, contractors

Name, e-mail address, and additional data fields selected by the customer for upload to PSAT from customer’s Active Directory

Comprehensive approach to cybersecurity education, leveraging diverse learning methods to enhance organizational security.

Up to 90 days from the end of Controller’s subscription maximum; however, during Controller’s subscription, Controller’s admins may make changes to and delete users.

Proofpoint Shadow (On-premises)

Employees, contractors, and customers

The on-premises product processes source IPs, user names, email addresses, group membership, physical addresses for any address configured in Active Directory, employment information (e.g., start date, title) in the customer’s environment. In addition, the product processes connections to on-prem hosts (using hostnames or IPs) and external hosts (using IPs only), using various protocols like FTP, SSH, RDP, Telnet, Share (SMB), OS login. If forensics is enabled, the product also processes file names users created, edited or removed, processes logged in users run and screenshots of users triggered incidents (by default not fetched. Fetched only if customer opted in)

An identity threat detection and response solution that stops bad actors from moving laterally through a customer’s environment by transforming endpoints into deceptions. Threat detection is accelerated by identifying the bad actor’s interaction with the endpoint deceptions.

Customers retain and store their own data pursuant to their record retention policies and/or guidelines.

Proofpoint Shadow (SaaS)

Employees, contractors, and customers

Source IPs, user names, email addresses, group membership, physical addresses for any address configured in Active Directory, employment information (e.g., start date, title) in the customer’s environment. In addition, the product processes connections to on-prem hosts (using hostnames or IPs) and external hosts (using IPs only), using various protocols like FTP, SSH, RDP, Telnet, Share (SMB), OS login. If forensics is enabled, the product also processes file names users created, edited or removed, processes logged in users run and screenshots of users triggered incidents (by default not fetched. Fetched only if customer opted in).

An identity threat detection and response solution that stops bad actors from moving laterally through a customer’s environment by transforming endpoints into deceptions. Threat detection is accelerated by identifying the bad actor’s interaction with the endpoint deceptions.

Up to 12 months after collection.

Proofpoint Spotlight (On-premises)

Employees, contractors, and customers

The on-premises product processes source IPs, user names, email addresses, group membership, physical addresses for any address configured in Active Directory, employment information (e.g., start date, title) in the customer’s environment. In addition, the product processes connections to on-prem hosts (using hostnames or IPs) and external hosts (using IPs only), using various protocols like FTP, SSH, RDP, Telnet, Share (SMB), OS login.

An identity threat detection and response solution that automatically discovers, prioritizes, and remediates identity vulnerabilities in a customer’s corporate environment including structure misconfigurations in Active Directory and Azure AD, exposed credentials on customer endpoint devices, and shadow admin threats.

Customers retain and store their own data in Spotlight for up to 12 months.

Proofpoint Spotlight (SaaS)

Employees, contractors, and customers

Source IPs, user names, email addresses, group membership, physical addresses for any address configured in Active Directory, employment information (e.g., start date, title) in the customer’s environment. In addition, the product processes connections to on-prem hosts (using hostnames or IPs) and external hosts (using IPs only), using various protocols like FTP, SSH, RDP, Telnet, Share (SMB), OS login.

An identity threat detection and response solution that automatically discovers, prioritizes, and remediates identity vulnerabilities in a customer’s corporate environment including structure misconfigurations in Active Directory and Azure AD, exposed credentials on customer endpoint devices, and shadow admin threats.

Up to 6 months after collection.

Proofpoint Takedown

Employees, contractors

Email header information, including email addresses, IP addresses, sender and recipient names.

Proofpoint Takedown helps Customers safeguard against URL and domain-based attacks. Customers submit a takedown request to initiate the process of mitigating malicious domain and URL activity targeting Customer.

Takedown submissions retained indefinitely

Proofpoint Track (previously, Compliance Gateway)

Employees, contractors, and customers

Any personal data included in captured content including emails, instant messages, social media content, associated message telemetry and attachments.

Compliance Gateway acts as a central hub to filter and route message content to Customer’s archive, supervision, and analytic systems.

Up to 14 days from the end of Controller’s subscription.

Secure E-Mail Relay (SER)

Employees Contractors, any recipients of bulk emails sent via Customer’s corporate email system

Name, email address, any Personal Data included in an email.

Secure Email Relay (SER) is a hosted, multi-tenant solution that puts Customer in control of applications that send email using Customer’s owned or controlled domains. It adds a layer of security to each application and distributes the email to the Internet in a DMARC-compliant fashion after Proofpoint AS/AV checks are performed. SER may only be used for delivery of emails that comply with applicable bulk or unsolicited message laws.

Up to 30 days from the end of Controller’s subscription

Targeted Attack Protection (TAP)

Employees, contractors, customers any other individual sending or receiving e-mails via Customer’s corporate e-mail system

Name, e-mail address, any Personal Data included in an e-mail.

TAP identifies and protects against malicious URLs and malicious attachments in emails using a dynamic malware analysis engine.

Up to 30 days after collection except for Threat Analytics, which are retained for up to 18 months after collection.

Threat Response Auto-pull (TRAP) (on-premises version of Cloud Threat Response)

Employees, contractors, customers, and any other individual sending or receiving e-mails via Customer’s corporate e-mail system

Name, email address, any Personal Data included in an email.

TRAP is an on-premises incident management platform that include automation to analyze and remove unwanted emails.

Retention of closed incidents is established by Controller.

Full message MIME data purged every 30 days for closed incidents.

Web Security

Employees, contractors

User email address and name and (optional phone number) and web traffic events selected by customers

Web Security deploys an endpoint agent onto designated laptop, desktop and server devices owned or controlled by data controller. The agents directs web traffic of the device users to a cloud proxy. The proxy decrypts the SSL connection and inspect traffic to enforce policies set by the customer admins.

Up to 90 days from the end of Controller’s subscription.

Zero Trust Network Access (formerly Meta)

Employees, contractors

User email address and name and (optional phone number) and intranet traffic events such as accept/drop events and DNS queries (customer has the option to enable or disable logging internet traffic events)

Meta overlays a zero-trust network on top of customer’s corporate network. Users access the corporate network by connecting to the Meta network layer through a VPN with their login credentials. Once logged into the Meta network each user is assigned a unique identity that connects to the data exporter’s underlying corporate network and access to assets within the data exporter’s corporate network is accessed based on the user’s unique identity

Up to 90 days from the end of Controller’s subscription.


Adaptive Email Security

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Email sender and recipient names, subject line, header data, email addresses, IP addresses, all personal information contained in body of email and attachments.

Processing Operations

Cloud-based email protection solution that employs a fully integrated layer of behavioral AI to help detect and prevent inbound business email compromise and lateral phishing while providing end-users with in-moment warning banners to help them decide whether an email is safe.

Retention Period

Categories of data retained for term of contract plus 35 days, except for Threat Analytics, which are retained for up to 18 months after collection.

As applicable, full body email content is retained for 6 months from processing.


Browser, E-mail Isolation and TAP URL Isolation

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Email addresses, user site cookies, and browser history, and browser registration information (data center location, browser user-agent string).

Processing Operations

Isolation is a remote, web-based browser that protects against URL threats by stripping all active content from requested sites and rendering a safe version of the page back to the end user. Isolation policies determine what users and URLs are isolated and what content and user actions are allowed in Isolation.

Retention Period

Up to 365 days after collection.



Data Subjects

Employees, contractors

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Cloud account holder metadata (e-mail addresses, names, position), file metadata and cloud account access logs, cloud application usage data.

Processing Operations

Cloud Account Defense helps Customer detect suspicious activities around Customer’s cloud accounts and identify compromised cloud accounts.

Cloud App Security Broker uses policies to prevent the loss of Customer’s sensitive or confidential data contained in Customer’s cloud accounts. CASB IaaS Protection helps customer identify its IaaS resources, protect sensitive data within IaaS storage, and monitor and stop unauthorized logins to Customer’s Cloud accounts.

Targeted Account Protection Account Takeover (TAP ATO) helps Customer detect and remediate cloud account takeover attacks and identity suspicious activities around Customer’s cloud accounts.

Retention Period

As in accordance with Controller’s selected retention period and up to a maximum period of 366 days.

Threat Analytics, data is retained for up to 18 months after collection.

File metadata for sensitive files is retained for 36 months after collection.


Cloud Threat Response (SaaS Version of TRAP)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, customers any other individual sending or receiving emails via Customer’s corporate email system

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Email attachment file name, URLs in email, sender / receiver names, subject line, header data, email addresses, IP addresses

Processing Operations

Cloud Threat Response is a SaaS incident management platform that includes automation to analyze and remove unwanted emails post-delivery.

Retention Period

Full message MIME data from user-reported emails only purged every 90 days from processing.

The retention of Threat Response Data is contingent on the Customer’s use of PhishAlarm / PhishAlarm Analyzer.


Cloudmark Active Filter, Authority, Content Categories, Insight Server, and Sender Intelligence; Cloudmark Spam Reporting Service

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, customers

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Telemetry data associated with E-mail, SMS, MMS, and RCS, including email addresses, IP addresses, phone numbers

Processing Operations

Cloudmark products leverage intelligent threat analysis to provide email and mobile messaging security against spam and malware.

Retention Period

30 days for messages reported by recipient as potentially harmful.

30 days for messages reported by recipient as not harmful.


Cloudmark Safe Messaging Cloud, Cloudmark Safe Messaging Cloud Hybrid

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, customers

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Telemetry data associated with E-mail, SMS, MMS, and RCS, including email addresses, IP addresses, phone numbers

Processing Operations

Cloudmark products leverage intelligent threat analysis to provide email and mobile messaging security against spam and malware.

Retention Period

30 days for messages reported by recipient as potentially harmful.

30 days for messages reported by recipient as not harmful.

Otherwise as negotiated by Controller.



Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, and any other individuals sending or receiving e-mails via Controller’s corporate e-mail system

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Any Personal Data included in an email

Processing Operations

Continuity provides temporary storage of Customer inbound and outbound email within the on-demand, Web-based email. Continuity serves only as a secondary, emergency failover option in the event of failure of Customer’s email service, and not as a primary email archive solution or a primary failover solution

Retention Period

Messages expire after 30 days.


Digital Discover, Digital Protection, and Digital Compliance

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, customers, or any other individuals posting to Customer’s social media accounts

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Corporate social media user account IDs, social media content, and option biographical information if included in corporate users’ account profile

Processing Operations

Scanning of social media platforms to find accounts affiliated with a customer for fake, fraudulent, and defamatory accounts related to the customer. Analysis of static and interactive content. Connectors to the Archive service of social media as required for compliance

Retention Period

Up to 90 days from the end of Controller’s subscription, maximum


Email Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, and any other individuals sending or receiving e-mails via Customer’s corporate e-mail system

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Any Personal Data included in an email

Processing Operations

Email DLP utilizes policies to prevent the loss of Customer’s sensitive or confidential data through email.

Retention Period

Up to 366 days after collection except for Threat Analytics, which are retained for up to 18 months after collection.


Email Encryption

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, customers and any other individual sending or receiving e-mails via Customer’s corporate e-mail system

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Any Personal Data included in an e-mail

Processing Operations

Email Encryption provides a fully integrated message encryption and decryption solution.

Retention Period

Encrypted message content is retained as determined by the Controller (up to 366 days).


Email Fraud Defense (EFD)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, customers, and any other individual sending or receiving e-mails via Customer’s corporate e-mail system

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Email header information, including email addresses, IP addresses, sender and recipient names.

Processing Operations

EFD processes Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC) aggregate reports and DMARC forensic message sample traffic for customer domains and evaluates the authenticity of senders based on sender authentication information, and to highlight traffic sent from unauthenticated and unauthorized sources.

Retention Period

Cloudmark forensic data is retained for 30 days after collection.

DMARC forensic data is retained for 90 days after collection.

DMARC non-PII aggregate data is retained indefinitely for analysis and quality control purposes.


Email Exfiltration Protection

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Email sender and recipient names, subject line, header data, email addresses, email attachment key words, IP addresses, all personal information contained in body of email.

Processing Operations

Cloud-based email protection service that prevents exfiltration to unauthorized accounts, and potential loss of proprietary data and intellectual property without predefined rules or deny lists.

Retention Period

Categories of data retained for term of contract plus 35 days.

As applicable, full body email content retained for 6 months from processing.


Email Protection

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, and any other individuals sending or receiving e-mails via Controller’s corporate e-mail system

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Any Personal Data included in an e-mail

Processing Operations

Email Protection includes functions such as spam detection functions to identify and classify spam messages; virus protection functions to detect and filter messages containing known viruses; zero-hour anti-virus functions to detect and filter messages containing suspicious content; a quarantine folder to analysis and disposition of suspicious content.

Retention Period

Up to 30 days after collection except for Threat Analytics, which are retained for up to 18 months after collection.


Email Protection Supernova Engine

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, and customers

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Email sender and recipient names, subject line, header data, email addresses, IP addresses. Also limited message body content if Customer has configured its cluster to send to Proofpoint.

Processing Operations

Engine that identifies and detects email patterns of its customers that fall outside of the normal email flow. Used to improve detection of all types of malicious or fraudulent emails or content including credential phishing, business email compromise, and other email attacks.

Retention Period

90 days from date of processing.


Email Threat Defense

Data Subjects

Employees and contractors

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Email sender and recipient names, subject line, header data, email addresses, email attachment key words, IP addresses, all personal information contained in body of email

Processing Operations

Cloud-based email defense service which uses machine learning to detect and prevent inbound email attacks, while providing end-users with in-moment contextual warning banners to help them decide whether an email is safe.

Retention Period

Categories of data retained for term of contract plus 35 days, except for Threat Analytics, which are retained for up to 18 months after collection.

Full body email content retained for 6 months from processing.


Endpoint Data Loss Protection (Endpoint DLP)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Email address, device identifier such as IP address, user information such as name and user ID, website information such as URL and page name, information such as application name, executable name, and window title.

Processing Operations

Endpoint Data Loss Prevention deploys an endpoint agent onto designated laptop, desktop and server devices owned or controlled by data controller. These Agents capture metadata recorded from the activities of licensed Users and the telemetry data is stored on Proofpoint’s multi-tenant Information and Cloud Security storage.

Retention Period

As in accordance with Controller’s selected retention period up to a maximum period of 366 days.



Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, customers

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Any Personal Data included in an e-mail

Processing Operations

Scanning, filtering, and routing in transit of e-mails sent to and received from parties external to the customer, via the customer’s corporate e-mail system.

If archive functionality is used, then see “Archive” above.

If TAP sandboxing is used, see TAP below.

Retention Period

Up to 30 days after collection except for Threat Analytics, which are retained for up to 18 months after collection.


Insider Threat Management SaaS

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Email address, device identifier such as IP address, user information such as name and user ID, website information such as URL and page name, Application information such as application name, executable name, and window title. Additionally, ITM has the capability to capture screen content, which is configured and controlled by the customer. Screen capture could include any additional personal data displayed on the user’s screen.

Processing Operations

ITM deploys an endpoint agent onto designated laptop, desktop and server devices owned or controlled by data controller. The agents collect telemetry data about the activities of the device users, the data subjects. If enabled by data controller the agents can also capture screenshots of the users’ device activities. Customer solely determines whether to enable the screen capture capabilities, and the data retention period of such content. The telemetry and screen capture data is stored on Proofpoint’s multi-tenant ITM SaaS storage.

Retention Period

As In accordance with Controller’s selected retention period up to a maximum period of 366 days.


Internal Mail Defense (IMD)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Any Personal Data included in an e-mail

Processing Operations

IMD leverages Email Protection and TAP features to protect Customer’s internal email communications against spam and malicious content.

Retention Period

Up to 30 days after collection except for Threat Analytics, which are retained for up to 18 months after collection.


Misdirected Email Protection

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Email sender and recipient names, subject line, header data, email addresses, email attachment key words, IP addresses, all personal information contained in body of email.

Processing Operations

Cloud-based email protection service that prevents accidental data loss from misdirected emails and misattached files, preventing sensitive information being inadvertently sent to an unintended recipient.

Retention Period

Categories of data retained for term of contract plus 35 days.

As applicable, full body email content is retained for 6 months from processing.


Nexus People Risk Explorer (NPRE)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Names, e-mail addresses, any Personal Data contained in Threat Analytics.

Cloud application usage and user data is collected for NPRE customers owning CASB and TAP.

Processing Operations

Proofpoint Nexus People Risk Explorer leverages people centric security data from Proofpoint’s Targeted Attack Protection, Security Awareness Training, Cloud Account Defense and Cloud Account Security Broker to provide insights into the types, severity and frequency of threats targeted at Customer and its employees.

Retention Period

Up to 12 months after collection.


Anti-Phishing Suite: includes PhishAlarm and PhishAlarmAnalyzer:

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Name E-mail address Any Personal Data included in an e-mail

Processing Operations

Routing and scanning suspicious emails reported by the end users with the PhishAlarm button. PhishAlarm Analyzer delivers highly responsive identification of phishing attacks in real time. Emails reported via PhishAlarm & PhishAlarm Analyzer are accessed and categorized and they are immediately available to Customer’s response teams.

Retention Period

Up to 30 days from the end of Controller’s subscription maximum; with the exception of Threat Analytics, which are retained for up to 18 months after collection


Proofpoint Archive (previously, Enterprise Archive)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, and customers

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Any Personal Data included in captured content (including e-mails, instant messages, social media content, associated message telemetry and attachments)

Processing Operations

Archive is a cloud-based archiving solution designed for legal discovery, regulatory compliance and data access for Customer’s end users, and it provides a central, searchable repository that supports a wide range of content types.

Retention Period

As determined by the Controller


Proofpoint Automate (previously, NexusAI for Compliance)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, and customers

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Any personal data included in captured content (including e-mails, instant messages, social media content, associated message telemetry and attachments)

Processing Operations

NexusAI for Compliance uses machine learning to evaluate supported archived messages (such as email, social media, collaboration platforms, and mobile messages) flagged for Customer’s review by Proofpoint’s Supervision (previously Intelligent Supervision) product.

Retention Period

Up to 24 hours from the end of Controller’s subscription, maximum


Proofpoint Capture (previously, Content Capture)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors and customers

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Any personal data included in captured content (including e-mails, instant messages, social media content, associated message telemetry and attachments

Processing Operations

Content Capture captures content from supported messaging and Cloud storage platforms and delivers it compliance services such as e-discovery, archive and supervision.

Retention Period

Up to 90 days from the end of Controller’s subscription, maximum


Proofpoint Certification Exam

Data Subjects

Individual exam takers, customers, employees, contractors, and partners

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Name, email address, training and/or exam completion status including pass/fail and scores

Processing Operations

Proofpoint Certification Exam allows individuals to take exams covering different Proofpoint products and technologies. Exam takers will receive a Proofpoint subject matter certification for each individual exam they pass.

Retention Period

Indefinite unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties.


Proofpoint Certification Exam Training

Data Subjects

Individual exam takers, customers, employees, contractors, and partners

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Name, email address, training and/or exam completion status including pass/fail and scores

Processing Operations

Proofpoint Certification Exam Training provides access to live instructor-led and online self-paced training courses to prepare exam takers for the Proofpoint Certification Exam.

Retention Period

Learning transcripts are retained for the term of contract with Proofpoint.


Proofpoint Intelligent Classification and Protection

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, customers and any individual viewing the document.

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Any Personal Data included in a document.

Processing Operations

Automatically locates and identifies sensitive and business-critical data to enhance existing data protection solutions such as labelling, encryption, access Control, data loss prevention, CASB and suggests protection rules and/or policies to the Customer

Retention Period

Up to 90 days from the end of Controller’s subscription, maximum


Proofpoint Patrol (previously, Content Patrol)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors and customers

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Any personal data included in captured content (including e-mails, instant messages, social media content, associated message telemetry and attachments

Processing Operations

Content Patrol allows Customers to capture, monitor, remediate and generate compliance reports about their end users’ activities on Customer controlled social media accounts.

Retention Period

Up to 90 days from the end of Controller’s subscription, maximum


Proofpoint Security Awareness (also known as PSAT)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Name, e-mail address, and additional data fields selected by the customer for upload to PSAT from customer’s Active Directory

Processing Operations

Comprehensive approach to cybersecurity education, leveraging diverse learning methods to enhance organizational security.

Retention Period

Up to 90 days from the end of Controller’s subscription maximum; however, during Controller’s subscription, Controller’s admins may make changes to and delete users.


Proofpoint Shadow (On-premises)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, and customers

Categories of Personal Data Processed

The on-premises product processes source IPs, user names, email addresses, group membership, physical addresses for any address configured in Active Directory, employment information (e.g., start date, title) in the customer’s environment. In addition, the product processes connections to on-prem hosts (using hostnames or IPs) and external hosts (using IPs only), using various protocols like FTP, SSH, RDP, Telnet, Share (SMB), OS login. If forensics is enabled, the product also processes file names users created, edited or removed, processes logged in users run and screenshots of users triggered incidents (by default not fetched. Fetched only if customer opted in)

Processing Operations

An identity threat detection and response solution that stops bad actors from moving laterally through a customer’s environment by transforming endpoints into deceptions. Threat detection is accelerated by identifying the bad actor’s interaction with the endpoint deceptions.

Retention Period

Customers retain and store their own data pursuant to their record retention policies and/or guidelines.


Proofpoint Shadow (SaaS)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, and customers

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Source IPs, user names, email addresses, group membership, physical addresses for any address configured in Active Directory, employment information (e.g., start date, title) in the customer’s environment. In addition, the product processes connections to on-prem hosts (using hostnames or IPs) and external hosts (using IPs only), using various protocols like FTP, SSH, RDP, Telnet, Share (SMB), OS login. If forensics is enabled, the product also processes file names users created, edited or removed, processes logged in users run and screenshots of users triggered incidents (by default not fetched. Fetched only if customer opted in).

Processing Operations

An identity threat detection and response solution that stops bad actors from moving laterally through a customer’s environment by transforming endpoints into deceptions. Threat detection is accelerated by identifying the bad actor’s interaction with the endpoint deceptions.

Retention Period

Up to 12 months after collection.


Proofpoint Spotlight (On-premises)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, and customers

Categories of Personal Data Processed

The on-premises product processes source IPs, user names, email addresses, group membership, physical addresses for any address configured in Active Directory, employment information (e.g., start date, title) in the customer’s environment. In addition, the product processes connections to on-prem hosts (using hostnames or IPs) and external hosts (using IPs only), using various protocols like FTP, SSH, RDP, Telnet, Share (SMB), OS login.

Processing Operations

An identity threat detection and response solution that automatically discovers, prioritizes, and remediates identity vulnerabilities in a customer’s corporate environment including structure misconfigurations in Active Directory and Azure AD, exposed credentials on customer endpoint devices, and shadow admin threats.

Retention Period

Customers retain and store their own data in Spotlight for up to 12 months.


Proofpoint Spotlight (SaaS)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, and customers

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Source IPs, user names, email addresses, group membership, physical addresses for any address configured in Active Directory, employment information (e.g., start date, title) in the customer’s environment. In addition, the product processes connections to on-prem hosts (using hostnames or IPs) and external hosts (using IPs only), using various protocols like FTP, SSH, RDP, Telnet, Share (SMB), OS login.

Processing Operations

An identity threat detection and response solution that automatically discovers, prioritizes, and remediates identity vulnerabilities in a customer’s corporate environment including structure misconfigurations in Active Directory and Azure AD, exposed credentials on customer endpoint devices, and shadow admin threats.

Retention Period

Up to 6 months after collection.


Proofpoint Takedown

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Email header information, including email addresses, IP addresses, sender and recipient names.

Processing Operations

Proofpoint Takedown helps Customers safeguard against URL and domain-based attacks. Customers submit a takedown request to initiate the process of mitigating malicious domain and URL activity targeting Customer.

Retention Period

Takedown submissions retained indefinitely


Proofpoint Track (previously, Compliance Gateway)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, and customers

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Any personal data included in captured content including emails, instant messages, social media content, associated message telemetry and attachments.

Processing Operations

Compliance Gateway acts as a central hub to filter and route message content to Customer’s archive, supervision, and analytic systems.

Retention Period

Up to 14 days from the end of Controller’s subscription.


Secure E-Mail Relay (SER)

Data Subjects

Employees Contractors, any recipients of bulk emails sent via Customer’s corporate email system

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Name, email address, any Personal Data included in an email.

Processing Operations

Secure Email Relay (SER) is a hosted, multi-tenant solution that puts Customer in control of applications that send email using Customer’s owned or controlled domains. It adds a layer of security to each application and distributes the email to the Internet in a DMARC-compliant fashion after Proofpoint AS/AV checks are performed. SER may only be used for delivery of emails that comply with applicable bulk or unsolicited message laws.

Retention Period

Up to 30 days from the end of Controller’s subscription


Targeted Attack Protection (TAP)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, customers any other individual sending or receiving e-mails via Customer’s corporate e-mail system

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Name, e-mail address, any Personal Data included in an e-mail.

Processing Operations

TAP identifies and protects against malicious URLs and malicious attachments in emails using a dynamic malware analysis engine.

Retention Period

Up to 30 days after collection except for Threat Analytics, which are retained for up to 18 months after collection.


Threat Response Auto-pull (TRAP) (on-premises version of Cloud Threat Response)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors, customers, and any other individual sending or receiving e-mails via Customer’s corporate e-mail system

Categories of Personal Data Processed

Name, email address, any Personal Data included in an email.

Processing Operations

TRAP is an on-premises incident management platform that include automation to analyze and remove unwanted emails.

Retention Period

Retention of closed incidents is established by Controller.

Full message MIME data purged every 30 days for closed incidents.


Web Security

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors

Categories of Personal Data Processed

User email address and name and (optional phone number) and web traffic events selected by customers

Processing Operations

Web Security deploys an endpoint agent onto designated laptop, desktop and server devices owned or controlled by data controller. The agents directs web traffic of the device users to a cloud proxy. The proxy decrypts the SSL connection and inspect traffic to enforce policies set by the customer admins.

Retention Period

Up to 90 days from the end of Controller’s subscription.


Zero Trust Network Access (formerly Meta)

Data Subjects

Employees, contractors

Categories of Personal Data Processed

User email address and name and (optional phone number) and intranet traffic events such as accept/drop events and DNS queries (customer has the option to enable or disable logging internet traffic events)

Processing Operations

Meta overlays a zero-trust network on top of customer’s corporate network. Users access the corporate network by connecting to the Meta network layer through a VPN with their login credentials. Once logged into the Meta network each user is assigned a unique identity that connects to the data exporter’s underlying corporate network and access to assets within the data exporter’s corporate network is accessed based on the user’s unique identity

Retention Period

Up to 90 days from the end of Controller’s subscription.

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Última actualización October 08, 2024.

Proofpoint Trust

Proofpoint helps companies protect their people from the ever-evolving threats in the digital ecosystem.