Identity Threat Defense

7 Key Roles & Responsibilities on a Cyber Security Team

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CISOs have been content to deploy point solutions and incremental enhancements to protect a relatively small pool of assets. However, incrementally deploying solutions like next-gen firewalls, IPSs, IDSs, web application firewalls, data leakage protection systems and more isn’t enough because every company should already have them in place.

CISOs must take a more proactive stance when it comes to modern cyber security—and it all starts with building a security team capable of keeping up with sophisticated cyber criminals.


The 7 Key Functions of a Modern Cyber Security Team

IT security is evolving and the Security for Business Innovation Council (SBIC) published a report to help you keep up. Security teams often get bogged down in tedious administrative functions, leaving little time for improving data protection strategies.

The SBIC looked beyond typical administrative tasks to highlight the 7 key functions of a modern cyber security team. Whether there are 10 people on your security team or 100, these are the roles and responsibilities they must have covered:

  1. Information Risk Management: Decisions must be made quickly in the wake of security incidents. Weighing the risks and rewards shouldn’t be a guessing game. Security teams must systematize their decision making for swift responses.

  2. Valuing Asset Inventory: Trying to protect every corner of your network to the fullest extent is no small task. Cyber Security teams must prioritize your most valuable assets and ensure their safety.

  3. Managing Third-Party Risks: Outsourcing business processes to third-party service providers is becoming increasingly common. As third-party services connect to your network, your security team must monitor and maintain the integrity of these connections.

  4. Threat Intelligence and Analysis: Security teams must understand the booming field of cyber threats and how to quell attacks. Cyber criminals modify their efforts constantly and your team must react quickly.

  5. Taking Advantage of AnalyticsCyber criminals can evade many traditional security systems so modern cyber security teams can use new behavior analysis techniques to stay on top of subtle anomalies.

  6. Data Management: Big data is a major part of your business and you need an integrated network infrastructure that allows the security team to draw data for threat analysis.

  7. Process Optimization and Agile Controls: Modern cyber security teams can’t allow cyber criminals to move faster than them. Attackers have thrived on the ability to innovate faster than security professionals. Your security team must be able to optimize their processes and make positive changes to security control systems.


Your Security Team Shouldn’t Have to Bear the Entire Burden

There are more than 80 to 90 million cyber attacks per year—and 70% of them go undetected. Security teams are under fire from sophisticated attacks and CISOs must assemble a qualified team for data protection support. Security teams must be proactive, but your defense systems should be proactive, too.

With Deceptions Everywhere® technology, you can create an extra layer of security over your network to support a hardworking security team. If your security team can cover their 7 key functions, the Deceptions Everywhere® solution can help fill the holes that human errors miss. With a strong security team and proactive system of cyber security defenses, you can keep your sensitive data free from harm.


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