Collaborative technology grew up in 2020. We saw exponential adoption and reliance on all types of collaborative technologies. In addition to email, Zoom, Teams, Slack, Skype all became crucial tools for business communication. In 2021 one question is unavoidable: how can you implement supervision and e-discovery to ensure your organisation’s compliance with all current international legislation?
If you are wondering how do you archive all comms including email in 2021? If your challenge is to access that archive quickly and efficiently? If you unsure if your archive is compliant?
Join this live discussion and have your questions answered by leading Archiving and Compliance experts as they discuss:
• Do you use Outlook 365 archive, when does this need to be augmented?
• What considerations do you make when reappraising content & comms compliance?
• How to future proof existing archiving and compliance systems for the demands of tomorrow?