Insider Threat Management


Insider Threat Management - Why this difficult challenge has become a burning imperative

For many years, insider threat has been a topic that CISOs have acknowledged but taken little action to address.  The infrequent events were generally low impact and could usually be managed outside the public eye.  

The accelerated digital transformation driven by the pandemic has complicated matters as firms have rushed toward remote working and cloud adoption to solve their challenges.  Unfortunately, these changes been equally advantageous to the attackers who can now compromise employees and access your corporate network under assumed identities.       

The CISOs challenge now is how to differentiate between a well meaning employee bending a policy to delight a client, and an external attacker using a compromised account for their own ends.

Join the conversation where we will address

  • Why insider risk is fast becoming the primary attack path
  • Pragmatic controls to grow an insider risk capability
  • Tools and techniques to raise security awareness and reduce the attack surface