Ransomware is reaching epidemic levels. Not only Ransomware is growing by 300% a year, but over 75% of Ransomware attacks started with a phishing email. And, according to the FBI, the first six months of 2021 alone saw 62% more ransomware in the US. A trend that will surely make its way across the Atlantic before long. Is the time to get ready!
The solution to stopping ransomware attacks is not as simple as blocking malicious attachments. Attackers have matured their tactics and are now using email as the first step to gain access. Having secured access, they can deploy their ransomware as a second step - or broker the access to someone who will. This development is especially alarming when cyber criminals are exploiting trusted supply chain relationships to secure the initial access - or banking on companies “good enough” approach to cybersecurity.
Join this 30-minute webinar as we explore what it takes to secure email, protect people with no compromises, and dive deeper into:
- The methods attackers use to bypass traditional email gateway defences
- Why ransomware and supply-chain-attacks are two sides of the same coin
- Why only a people centric security strategy will provide you with the visibility needed to prevent the initial attack from being successful