White Paper

Drive Real Behaviour Change

Build an effective cybersecurity awareness programme to break the attack chain

Cybersecurity awareness education is one of the most important steps you can take to break the attack chain to protect your business from cyber threats. But where do you begin? And how do you maintain an efficient and effective programme that keeps your users engaged, changes their behaviour, and reduces your organisation's exposure to threats?

Let us help. In our Driving Real Behaviour Change guide, we provide practical advice on how to create and sustain a cybersecurity awareness education programme that works—regardless of how mature your existing programme is. Here are some of the questions we'll help you answer:

  • How do I get buy-in for a cybersecurity awareness training programme? Who should I work with internally?
  • What are the best practices for cybersecurity awareness training? How often should training be conducted?
  • How can I engage my employees and create a culture of security awareness?
  • How do I measure the effectiveness of my programme and share success with stakeholders?

By following our guide, you'll learn how to develop a comprehensive cybersecurity awareness training programme that empowers your users to be your best defence against cyber attacks. Don't wait until it's too late to protect your business. Download our guide today.