Wombat Customers: Please Submit a Review to Gartner Peer Insights
Calling all Wombat Security customers: We would be grateful if you would visit the new Gartner Peer Insights forum and provide a review of your experiences using our security awareness and training platform. You can access our page directly via this Gartner-customized link: http://gtnr.it/29rAjVP (see below for full link). For your convenience, basic details about Wombat will be prepopulated into your survey.
Why Gartner Peer Insights?
As you know, Gartner is one of the most well-respected analyst firms in the world, and they continuously strive to help organizations make better-informed decisions about technologies, products, and business strategies. By reviewing the Wombat platform on the Peer Insights forum, your feedback will not only help other IT and infosec decision-makers develop their short lists of potential security awareness and training providers, it will also help us continue to enhance and expand our product line.
Here are a few key things to keep in mind:
- Though you will be asked to create an account, your name and company name will not be attached to your review. Demographic details (your role, industry, and size of your organization) will be the only identifying details displayed with your comments.
- Personal email addresses are not accepted by Gartner Peer Insights. You must use your business email address to create an account.
- All submissions are reviewed by Gartner staff to ensure validity and maintain the integrity of the forum. You are not permitted to review your own, your competitors’, or your affiliates’ products or services.
How to Participate
- Allow approximately 15 minutes to complete your review.
- Access the Wombat survey on Gartner Peer Insights: http://gtnr.it/29rAjVP (see below for an X-ray of this shortened URL for your peace of mind).
- Provide feedback about your experiences with Wombat, including customer service and support, capabilities of our products, and implementation of our product.
- Check the Peer Insights forum for your review within two weeks. (If you don’t see your review posted within this time frame, you can contact Gartner directly at peerinsights@gartner.com.)
We thank you in advance for participating in this exercise and for helping other organizations learn about the advantages of partnering with Wombat to deliver security awareness training.
Note: If it’s against your policy to click shortened URLs (which is not a bad policy, we might add), please use the following full, direct link to the Wombat survey: