Random Password Generator

Create strong and secure passwords to keep your account safe online.

Password strength: Very strong Strong Moderate Weak Very weak
Password length:

Why are passwords important?

Passwords are the first line of defence against unauthorised access to your personal data and online accounts. They protect your information and help maintain your privacy and identity online.

Strong passwords reduce risk

More than a quarter of respondents in our State of the Phish survey admitted to reusing a limited number of passwords. Poor password practises create unnecessary risk for your users and your organisation.

If an attacker obtains one password, even a strong one, they can often use it to access other valuable accounts.

Using a random password generator

A password generator like this one can create strong, unique passwords to greatly reduce the risk of data loss and account compromise. Good password practises can prevent attackers from gaining easy access to sensitive data and accounts. And they can stop data breaches from spreading across multiple accounts.

Password do’s and don’ts


  • Use multifactor authentication (MFA); if MFA isn’t an option for the account, use a password manager.
  • Change all passwords at least twice a year. (Note: It’s best practise to change business passwords more often: every three months.)
  • Use a password generator to increase the complexity and length of each password to create stronger passwords.


  • Use easy-to-guess passphrases, such as those that include common words or phrases, or names or dates associated with you or your direct family members (or pets). These details can be easy to find on social media.
  • Reuse passwords across multiple systems or accounts.
  • Record passwords on paper or unprotected files on your computer.
  • Share passwords—not with your family, friends or coworkers.

Cybersecurity Awareness Hub

For more about passwords and other security best practises, visit our cybersecurity awareness hub.