Banks have long kept security top of mind, using safes with elaborate locks, bars on windows, security guards and surveillance cameras. But today, banks—and the law firms that represent them—need to protect something more important than dollar bills. “In our case, it’s documents,” says Director of Information Security at Stroock & Stroock & Lavan, LLP, Gil Danieli. This 140-year-old New York City represents financial services and investment firm clients. “By all means, that is the treasure.”
The challenge
- Protect bank paper—not just dollar bills, but legal documents such as contracts, affidavits, and regulatory filings
- Protect documents as they come through as email attachments
- Screen attachments and links to make sure they are not malicious
The Solution
- Proofpoint Targeted Attack Protection
- Proofpoint Threat Response
- Proofpoint Security Awareness Training
The Results
- Protected 40 million Stroock documents
- Gained visibility and transparency to threats facing the firm
- Educated and empowered employees to better protect themselves