Attachment Defense Reputation Service

Attachment Defense Reputation Service (ADRS) is a free, limited-time offer to help you gain greater visibility into how Proofpoint can protect you from advanced threats in email that are affecting your organization. ADRS provides added insight for attachment-based threats associated with broad attack campaigns, such as Dridex and Locky.

Features of Attachment Defense Reputation Service (ADRS):

  • Block threats that have been recognized in other organizations by Proofpoint Targeted Attack Protection (TAP) Attachment Defense customers.
  • View all detected threats, affected users, and associated forensics in the TAP dashboard.
  • Quarantines messages containing threats in the 'Attachment Defense' folder in the Proofpoint Protection Server (PPS) dashboard.
  • Automatically enabled for Email Protection customers.


Does Proofpoint have access to customer data contained in attachments?
No. ADRS only checks the attachment hash against a reputation list of malicious attachments previously detected in other customer organizations. Customer PII and any content contained within an attachment is never exposed or analyzed under any circumstances.

What types of threats are not caught by ADRS?
Zero-day threats or those where there are variations in the attachment payload. This requires additional dynamic, behavioral analysis that Proofpoint can also provide.

How do I access the TAP dashboard?
The TAP dashboard is available at Log in with your CTS credentials.

I do not want to participate in this program. How do I disable ADRS?
Please contact your Proofpoint sales representative.

How can I get support on ADRS?
Open a support ticket at

Contact your Proofpoint sales representative to learn more about how Proofpoint can protect your organization from advanced threats.