Live Demo:

How to Defend Against
Evolving Email Fraud Threats

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According to the 2020 FBI Internet Crime Report, email fraud and Business Email Compromise (BEC) account for 44% of all reported losses1. These attacks cost companies billions of dollars and are constantly evolving. There are endless variations of Identity deception, email fraud and (BEC) tactics, from domain spoofing, display name spoofing, lookalike domains and supplier impersonation. Email fraud attackers are becoming bolder and more sophisticated, bypassing email authentication control, preying on human nature and devastating organizations. So how can you protect your company?

Join our 30-minute live demo to learn:

  • How supplier email fraud works
  • Examples of attacks being used today
  • How Proofpoint can help defend against this type of attacks

1Federal Bureau of Investigation. "Internet Crime Report 2020." 2020.