Digital Risks in Ihrem Unternehmen


SecureWorld User Risk Report Webinar Replay

We surveyed more than 6,000 working adults across the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Australia —about cybersecurity topics and best practices that are fundamental to data and network security. What we found out about the personal habits of these individuals was sometimes heartening, occasionally perplexing, and frequently terrifying—but always enlightening.

We will discuss the 2018 User Risk Report to see how employees shaped up globally and regionally on cybersecurity awareness issues that are impacting organizations worldwide, including:

  • Knowledge of phishing and ransomware

  • Password habits (including password reuse)

  • Safe use of WiFi, location tracking, and social media

  • The types of personal activities (shopping online, playing games, streaming media, etc.) that your organization's devices are being used for by employees and their families and friends

Fill out the form to watch the webinar replay now.

Webinar User Risk