Using Threat Intelligence to Run
a Strong Security Awareness Program

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Recorded live on April 7, 2022

Attackers are always looking for unique ways to trick users into clicking on malicious messages, using current events and different lures to evoke strong emotions. The success of a security awareness program depends on staying abreast of the latest tactics and methods used in the threat landscape.

Given that, how do you build threat intelligence into your security awareness program?

Join us for a 30-minute live demo of Proofpoint's Security Awareness Training Platform. We’ll discuss how our Security Awareness Training Platform integrates with our threat intelligence platforms to complement your data and strengthen your program.

You will learn how to:

  • Leverage threat intelligence data to build a targeted training program
  • Identify vulnerable and risky users
  • Prioritize attention on those who need it most
  • Demonstrate program performance to your CISO with meaningful metrics that represent real behavior change