It’s so good to finally share the news about what we’ve been busy beavering away on behind the scenes for what seems like an eternity. We’re absolutely delighted to announce our rebrand from the Business Fraud Prevention Partnership to The Defence Works.
No fancy takeover, no change in company – we’re exactly the same team, helping you build a positive security culture… just a name change and makeover, making us bigger… and your employees brighter!
Why have we decided to rebrand to The Defence Works?
When we started in 2016, our focus was on helping organisations get to grips with their cyber-crime and fraud measures – our focus was originally a bit wider and, despite the name “Business Fraud Prevention Partnership” being an extremely long-winded tongue-twister, it fitted what we did back then.
The more organisations we worked with, the clearer it became that employees were being left exposed to risk every day, as there was a huge emphasis on technical IT measures that quickly become outdated and outmanoeuvred.
We quickly began focusing on the human element of cyber-security, one that is so often overlooked.
Over the past 2 years, our security awareness training really came to the fore-front, as it began hitting the spot – actually changing mind-sets — helping our clients to develop a positive security culture where risks are recognised and understood, giving employees the tools to prevent them altogether.
Such was our commitment to helping our client’s employees become their strongest defence, we even put our training materials through the arduous accreditation process with the Government’s Communication Headquarters (yep, proper secret-squirrel stuff!) to have it certified as part of the National Cyber Security Training Programme.
We we’re even recognised for our efforts as we were awarded with “Technology Business of the Year Award” last year.
So, we felt it was time to update our brand to truly reflect what we do – and that’s helping employees with our security awareness training and simulated phishing, to stay safe at work and at home.
How did the name “The Defence Works” come about?
We worked really hard on coming up with our new name – in fact, I might even share some of them in the coming weeks, just so you can have a laugh.
But seriously, as we grew, it became clear to us that we are The Defence brand in the security awareness sector. Our highly effective, interactive, engaging, bite-size training Works successfully raising awareness, upskilling employees and preventing incidents – helping make our client’s employees their strongest defence.
With a mission to empower businesses to defend themselves against cyber risk everywhere, forever (I know, no mean feat!), we felt it was time for a stronger brand, truly reflective of our employee friendly, focused approach… and that’s where The Defence Works comes in.
So, keeping employees at the heart of everything we do – we’re proud to announce The Defence Works – making your employees your strongest defence.
We’ve got a brand-new website, as you’d expect – which we love and hope you will too. We’ve also significantly upgraded our Online Hub for all of our clients, as we want to keep improving our offering and delivering great value.
But, we’re not stopping there. Over the coming months, we’ve got some really exciting developments to reveal, so stay tuned.
Eddie Whittingham
MD, The Defence Works