The rapidly evolving pace of digital transformation promises new levels of efficiency, agility, and responsiveness for your organization, your supply chain, and your customers. But these opportunities can quickly backfire if you don’t account for a variety of new and evolving cybersecurity risks.
For every incredible new software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform to make your users more productive, another type of malware emerges to target your data. For every new digital platform you use to enhance customer experience, a new wave of impostors arrives, leveraging your organization’s hard won good name to compromise and defraud, across email, the web, social media, and mobile apps. Not to mention, the biggest, most persistent threat since the digital age began: email fraud and phishing.
It’s simple, really. Digital transformation can’t be successful without taking security, compliance, and fraud risk into account. And it can be especially challenging when you don’t own the infrastructure.
Challenging – but not impossible.
We recognize that new opportunities present new challenges and threats. That’s why we have created a valuable new online resource to help you understand the risks and take control of the situation with confidence.
For a much deeper look at the issues surrounding how digital transformation is changing the way we work , I encourage you watch our new video and download and read our new “Connect With Confidence” white paper.
Finally, please view our recent webinar, where we discuss in greater detail the digital disruption trend and how you should factor it into your security, compliance, and fraud strategies.
The potential for digital transformation to disrupt business for the better is truly staggering. And like any smart business decision, it requires understanding and managing the risks.