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Live Demo - Proofpoint CASB New Features & Capabilities

Proofpoint Cloud App Security Broker(CASB) is a cloud security platform that helps accelerate migration to the cloud. Proofpoint keeps improving our CASB and tightening our cross-platform integrations to help you gain visibility to cloud security and compliance risks, automate response faster, and simplify deployment and operations.

Join us to see how Proofpoint cloud security adds value to and benefits from existing email security when organizations migrate their email and other core apps to the cloud. Through a live demonstration, you'll see first-hand how our innovative approach sees cloud threats and risks other security solutions miss.

  • Correlate email threats such as phishing to cloud account compromise
  • Detect and investigate threats using more granular policy rules and forensics capabilities
  • Find out which apps are being accessed during a risky session via Okta integration
  • Drill deeper into Shadow IT and third-party apps forensics
  • Prevent risky file activity in the cloud using browser isolation

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