Product Update: New Leaderboard Report Helps Drive Analysis, Gamification
Last week we announced a valuable addition to the dynamic reporting capabilities within our Security Education Platform. The new Leaderboard report provides deeper insights into user performance, which allows program administrators to further motivate their organizations’ employees to participate in security awareness training. It’s an excellent tool for any company that is applying gamification techniques to their cybersecurity education initiatives.
Across the board, our dynamic reporting options enable detailed data visualization, allowing our customers to refine their measurements and zoom in on specific areas of interest, such as time frames, specific security topics, groups, or individuals.
The Leaderboard report takes these capabilities in a new direction, empowering customers to create, save and share refined dashboard-like views of their users’ training module performance in real time or over time. It ranks users with a formula that uses time to complete an assignment and module scores across any combination of training modules. When end users see their department or location is ahead or behind compared to others, it encourages training completion. Administrators can use individual scores or group scores to increase attention and drive training penetration across the organization
Amy Baker, Wombat's Vice President of Marketing, underscored the importance of measurement in general and the value of the Leaderboard in specific. “As reported in our recently released Beyond the Phish Report, too few companies measure the effectiveness of their security education programs,” she said. “As the number of effective attacks continues to rise, organizations will be looked upon to show results, with metrics like these, that they’re doing all they can to implement a multi-layered defensive strategy which must include cyber-savvy end users.”
Other Dynamic Reporting Options
We have a number of reports that have already been enhanced with dynamic features, including the following:
- Training Assignment Comparison – Shows completion rates and other statistics. Administrators can filter the report to view multiple assignments by date, completion status, and/or users participating in the assignment.
- Training Assignment User Details – Provides comprehensive user-level information for training assignments. Administrators can drill down to the user level and module level and view a number of data points, including a user’s module score percentage, time to complete the module, and total questions answered. There is also a chart view that shows the overall user progress against any assignments showing in the data set.
- Training Module Completion Summary – Tracks all end-user interactions with the training modules. Administrators can filter by module, date range, assignments, and a myriad of other criteria to find data on user participation in any Wombat module.
- Most Missed Training Topics – Alerts admins to the topic areas users are having the most trouble within Wombat training modules. By highlighting weaknesses, admins can more effectively focus your training efforts. The report can be filtered by module, date, and/or assignment.
- Training Module Performance – Shows the average score for each interactive training module, as well as the module score for each user. A chart view highlights the top 25 user scores. The report can be filtered by module, date, and/or assignment, which allows administrators to find exactly the data necessary to make an action plan for users.
- Company Policy Acknowledgement – Offers a detailed view of learners who have responded to a policy acknowledgement statement that was added to a training module through our Training Jackets feature. Administrators can filter by module, date range, assignment name, and policy acknowledgement response. Two chart views show the status of policy acknowledgment responses.
Additional customization features within our dynamic reports include the ability to add or remove fields, and export to CSV and Word to provide your management and executive teams a comprehensive view of results from your security awareness and training program. Customers who adhere to strict Data Privacy rules can obfuscate individual end-user scores while still benefiting from aggregated data views.
Want to learn more about our industry-leading approach to employee training? Contact us today.