How Adaptive Email DLP Uses Behavioral AI to Stop Email Misdelivery
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Recorded live on March 28, 2024
In this 30-minute webinar, we’ll explain why behavioral AI is needed to effectively stop emails being sent to the wrong recipients. We'll explore the pitfalls encountered by organizations attempting to stop sensitive data loss from misdirected emails, unraveling the approaches that often lead to unsuccessful mitigation strategies. We’ll then demonstrate how an Adaptive Email DLP solution stops misdirected emails for good.
Watch this session to learn about:
- How historical email behavior provides the insights needed to stop email misdelivery
- Why a layered approach is needed to stop sensitive data loss on email
- Why just-in-time coaching is the best way to stop email misdelivery without disruption
- Building the business case to stop misdirected emails with behavioral AI
- How you can stop sensitive data loss from misdirected emails in just days
This is part two of a two-part series, Using AI to Stop Email Misdelivery and Stop Data Loss.